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Each service defined in your Raindrop build manifests maps to a serverless function. These services can be activated in one of three ways:

The following sections will guide you on defining each activation mechanism in your Raindrop manifest.

HTTP-Activated Service

To create a new HTTP-activated service to your application add the following code to your manifest.

service "<SERVICE NAME>" {
domain {

To configure your service’s domain:

  1. Replace <UNIQUE-SERVICE-NAME> with a name for your service
  2. Replace <ORG-ID> with your organization ID (in lowercase)

You can find your organization ID in the Raindrop dashboard URL at Your organization ID is added to the end of the URL e.g<YOUR-ORG-ID>

Each HTTP-activated service must have a unique, fully qualified domain name (FQDN). To prevent conflicts, ensure that the service name is unique within your account. Once deployed, your new service will be accessible as a CRUD REST API.

Queue-Activated Service

Queue-activated services run when new messages arrive in a queue. Define your queue first - this becomes the trigger source for your observer.

Adding a queue observer to raindrop.manifest automatically sets up the function code, queue configuration, and required service bindings after running raindrop build generate.

// define your queue
queue "email-queue" { }
// define a queue observer
observer "queue-observer" {
// set the queue as the trigger on the observer
source {
queue = "queue-name"

Bucket-Activated Service

Bucket-activated services run when new objects appear in a bucket. Define your bucket first - this becomes the trigger source for your observer.

Adding a bucket observer to raindrop.manifest automatically sets up the function code, bucket configuration, and required service bindings after running raindrop build generate.

// define your bucket
bucket "ingest-bucket" { }
// define your observer
observer "process-object" {
// set the bucket as the source for the observer
source {
bucket = "ingest-bucket"